I know its kinda late wishing HNY , hehe.
Well, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone :)
In 2010, friendships have been very difficult to maintain. Misunderstandings after misunderstandings, bitching after bitching. It was never pleasant.
Although i lost a few friends this year, i found some new ones too. With new friends in my life, the old ones are still treasured.
2010, thank you for being a pain in the ass sometimes. You have thought me the true meaning of friendship, the meaning of hard work, the meaning of appreciation and definitely the meaning of patience.
Being 24 years old now, i beg to differ.
But sadly, yesterday night rumah blackout. Heaven sangat rasa !@#$%^&*
And then we went Giant at 10pm ONLY to buy cocoa powder then trus balik buat cake sempena birthday adik bongsu aku tetiba cake tu tk jadi :")
Sangat cantik if dibandingkan dengan aku punya :")
Actually, sedap memang sedap, haha puji plak tp dia jadi hancur sbb aku terbalikkan cake ni time tgh panas. Abis hancur semua. Maybe sebab ada cheese sket.
Pastu semua muka nak macamni,
Eeeei , cake apa ni wei !
waaaa, i will not make any cake for his month, i swear ! Next month, tengok la macammana.
Yay ?!
After blogwalking on new year midnight, i got this. Nice and thanks :)
Tag for whole my faithful readers.
14 feedback(s) :
eh kita sebaya la..:)
happy new year you..
happy new year sis ...haha... hope tahun 2011 ni tahun terbaik buat akak... sekurang-kurangnya lebih baik dari 2010...happy always... =)
rase mcm da wish smlm..tp nk wish gak hepi new year kak aimi..eheh..
@butterflyana : ic. hehe. kita da tua kan ): HNY too darling
@dilla : insyallah amin. and dilla juga ok. semoga dilla berjaya dalam hidup dan akhirat (:
@MJ : eyh yeke mj da wish? hehe. thanks byk2. HNY too bushuk.
hehe..kek tu mcm da sedap..
leh lak hancur?hehe
nvm, leh try wat lg nnt =)
nway, happy new year!
indah mulya : eeei geram taw. HNY too pretty ^__^
first time kt cniee. nice blogg. happy new year :)
@ayaa : thanks pretty :)
laparrrr lah tengok kek 2.....
sampai meleleh air liur hehehe....
btw selamat menjalani kehidupan baru thun nie yew...umur hanye nombor je :)
@kentangkiller : cake tu hasil tangan kak hana taw. not me ;) i pn sendiri grrrram tgk, rasa nk ngap je pic tu, btw thanks wishing me pleased to meet you :))
hahaha u try lah buat lg....mane tau lg cantek n sodap....nt xpayah mkn pic 2...xsedappp :P
@kentangkiller : haha insyallah :)
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