" Insomnia is a kind of torture because while the world is fast asleep, you' re up all alone. You're mind buzzing with every random thought in the universe and sometimes the thoughts will reach a standstill and your mind goes blank. You become more aware of the silence and it is during this moment that you realize how alone you are "
dush! is that true?
its 3:50am !
i still awake
i can't sleep at night
i can't get up in the morning
can't sleep can't wakeup :|
21 feedback(s) :
erkkk~ klu yg tido, pastu bngun blek tuh.. dikira insomnia gk k?? =.="
minum susu sebelum tdo...hahahah
@nusa : at least boleh tido. i think tk kot ;)
@dilla : eyh? ok nnt i try insyallah
samelahh kite hahaha hary2 tido kol 4 or 5a.m then nak bgun liat mcm ape sehh :)
u can do solat sunat sis..insya-Allah,lme2 dptlah tdo..=)
@kentangkiller : haha, kita geng. but can not go la life mcmni :(
@kahirie : wow too :P
tidur lewat kemungkinan akan bangun lewat jugak :)
@MJ : Thanks MJ, ada juga niat mcmtu, tp tk amalkan lg, masyallah aimi2 ;)
@cik aien : yup impact of tido lewat sigh ;{
2 lah xbolehh tido pown masalah besar kan???
kene makan pill tido lah jwb nye hehehe
@kentangkiller : usihh takut nk mkn pil :0
ooo jgn xd hal buat hal huhuhu bahaye2
emmm...yeke lonley people selalu bgun tgh mlm...
@kentangkiller : ha dgr tu! teehee
@tulip : bukan bgn, tp berjaga . ya maybe btul ;)
saya minum anlene sebelum tidur..:) by d way, gambar bilik tu sweet & simple.. suka..
@mrsfaizor : tekak i tabole telan anlene . idkw :( hehe lawa kan.
ko minum air susu dutch lady k...yang low fat 2.....memang lena tido....ak dah minum.....
p/s : ko mcm org mesir la....dorg tido siang....malam ak tido....hee....
@nadiah : eyh? ak kena minum yg ada flavour if not, smpi bila2 ak tkkn minum susu :) haha thnks coz sama kan ak dgn org mesir. ak mmg org sana pn :p
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