Keep your mind positive, buddies ♥
When nobody loves you, no one cares for you, everyone is ignoring you and people are jealous of you, you should really ask,
Have a good day ahead, peers ♥ ! You know buddies, i have plenty of inspiring and interesting quotes that i'll be sharing with you guys on next post, Insyaallah.
Quick update :)
9 feedback(s) :
err.. bg aku seksi tu subjektif.. bergantung pada individu yang menilai..
sexy ? heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem .
saya baru 18 , tak dapat lagi berfikiran jauh . haha.
people : eh no no, this entry is not mentioning abt me la. this is just a answering to a quote. im not questioning you 'am i sexy?' . pls read first my deary readers :)
igtkan entry pasal kak aimi,hehe..hmm, Mj lmh cket nk phm quotes bagai i loves quote..tak sbr nk tau quote lain lg..=)
@MJ : ha? bkn bkn! im not sexy. im fully HIJABBED! ni mesti kes org tk baca my entry abs2 uwaaaaa :'( penat je share haha. ok nnt akak post quote lg ok thanks MJ! you're the one who always supporting me :)) syg awak ^__^
hoo.. betul la tu.. seksi tu subjektif.. ada org yg seksi bila cmerlang dlm kerjaya/study.. ada org mmpunyai pandangn mata yg seksi.. ada yg seksi bila bercakap.. even player bola tgh men tgh padang pun org boleh ckp seksi..
p/s:mmg xde kena mngena dgn quote tu tp saje je nk ckp seksi tu subjektif.. ahaks!
owh.. i understand u..
troskan update byk g quote k
@mofaizmz : oo ok hehe. agree wif you. sexy ni benda yg too complicated if nk describe even pakai bju kurung and pakai purdah pn org kata sexy.
@zaty : ok zaty, thanks :)))))))
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